A SOUTHAMPTON councillor has come under fire for a "jolly" to China that is costing council tax payers £1,000.

Councillor Norah Goss' visit to Qingdao, famed for its scenic mountain views and beaches, comes just weeks after council leader Councillor Adrian Vinson jetted out to help boost trade between the port and Southampton.

The city's Sheriff Councillor Edwina Cooke also flew out with Cllr Goss in an ambassadorial role.

But Cllr Goss' involvement has attracted criticism as there are no meetings scheduled for her to attend in her title as Cabinet member for corporate services, which monitors council buildings and staff.

In April Hampshire social services boss Felicity Hindson and social services officer Steve Love had to repay Hampshire County Council following a £9,500 trip to New Zealand that was branded a jolly.

The pair travelled 11,000 miles to recruit social workers but admitted breaching council guidelines by booking business class seats worth more than £2,000 instead of economy seats.

The annual visit normally sees the mayor or sheriff being accompanied by a relevant Cabinet holder or the council leader to attend meetings with business, tourism or travel leaders in Qingdao.

In June, Cllr Vinson took part in a three-day trip to the region with the city's corporate development director Mike Smith to forge links between maritime firms ahead of the Olympic Games in 2008 as Qingdao will host the sailing events. Labour group leader Cllr June Bridle, who has previously taken part in visits to the city in her former role as council leader, said: "There's nothing wrong with the mayor, or the sheriff in their absence, going over to network along with the council leader or a relevant Cabinet member.

"But this time there are no meetings planned and no business meetings to attend.

"There seems no reason for the corporate services Cabinet member to go, especially when that role covers council buildings and staff in Southampton."This just seems to be a jolly and that isn't what this is supposed to be about."

Councillor Royston Smith, deputy leader of the Tory group, said: "I would question the relevance of a Cabinet member going on a trip to China when there are no meetings scheduled for her to attend.

"As politicians, we not only have to make sure we do not do anything unacceptable we also have to make sure that we do not do anything that is seen to be unacceptable."

Cllr Goss refused to comment on the trip before jetting out.

She spent two days in Qingdao before travelling to Shanghai to catch the next scheduled flight home to England today.

Civic chiefs defended her visit and said the Qingdao authorities were providing all accommodation and hospitality costs but that the council had to fork out £1,000 for travel.