IT'S a case of once, twice, three times a baby for this Hampshire family.

Sisters Sheryl Bond, Jondelle Bond and Danielle Simpson are experiencing their very own baby boom after all becoming pregnant within weeks of each other.

First off the blocks should be 22-year-old nanny Jondelle, of Barton Road, Eastleigh, who is expecting her first child on Sunday.

Older sister Sheryl, 26, who now lives in Bournemouth, is due to give birth to her second child on September 8.

Then youngest sister Danielle, 18, of Hulse Road, Southampton, is expecting her first child - a boy - on October 4.

Sheryl, who already has two-and-a-half-year-old son, Sam, has been warned her second child is likely to be early - meaning she and Jondelle could be having their babies in the same week.

The sisters, who have three other sisters and a brother, were delighted when they discovered they had become pregnant so close to each other.

Jondelle, and fiance Dave Bartlett, 29, a systems engineer, decided to announce their happy news at a family meal in February.

The celebration became twice as nice when sister Sheryl, a part-time check-out cashier, and partner Chris Wright, 34, a branch manager for an electrical wholesaler, revealed they too were expecting.

Then in March, Danielle, a qualified nursery nurse, and husband Frantz, 25, made it a hat-trick by announcing they were expecting a little boy.

News of the imminent patter of six tiny feet has delighted the whole family, who are already looking forward to joint birthday parties.

Jondelle said: "I was the first one to say I was pregnant. It was all a bit of a shock at first but everyone thinks it is brilliant.

"We are a very close family anyway, and it has been nice all being at similar stages as we have been able to compare notes.

"Luckily, none of us has had any problems during pregnancy - except for being tired and hot all summer."

Danielle added: "Sam was the first grandchild so it's great that hewill have so many playmates close in age."

The girls' mum, Diane Varlow, 48, of Totton, has jokingly told them she will have to take up a second job to be able to treat her three new grandchildren.

Meanwhile their dad, Larry Bond, 48, who now lives in Germany, is planning to fly over later in the year to meet all three new arrivals in one go.