THE first antisocial behaviour order in the country to be imposed on a persistent shoplifter has been handed out to a 42-year-old Winchester man.

Stephen John Davies was made the subject of the order after repeatedly stealing from shops in Winchester city centre, despite a previous warning to curb his behaviour.

Davies, of no fixed address, was barred from entering more than a dozen shops on May 27 this year after members of the city's Shopwatch Scheme collectively banned him from their premises following shoplifting charges.

Although the Shopwatch banning order carried no legal obligation, it was seen as his last chance to change his ways.

Within ten days Davies had been charged with seven further shoplifting offences so police chiefs in the city decided to act.

The antisocial behaviour order (ASBO) means Davies is now banned from entering any store that is a member of the Shopwatch Scheme and from entering any licensed premises in the city centre.

In addition he is banned from consuming alcohol in any public place in Winchester and if he breaks any of the conditions during the two-year ASBO, he could face a fine and up to five years in prison.

A spokesman for Hampshire police said: "The use of ASBOs is still relatively new and this is the first to be used to tackle persistent shoplifting in the Winchester area and we also believe it to be the first to be used in this way in the country.

"Stephen Davies was given a chance to change his ways when the Shopwatch order was imposed in May. He chose to ignore the banning order and so is now subject to a strict legally binding order for the next two years.

"We hope this sends a strong message to others intent on targeting Winchester City Centre. Whether it be offences such as shoplifting within a premises or antisocial behaviour around the city centre, we will take action."

Peter Gear, Chairman of Shopwatch, added: "This ASBO will play an important part of the crime reductioninitiatives in the city centre and the members of Shopwatch are fully supportive of this approach."

Shopkeepers told the Daily Echo how shoplifting has long been a problem in the city centre, with retailers selling alcohol the biggest targets by far.

One shop in particular, that asked to remain anonymous, suggested their annual losses from stealing alone amounted to more than £10,000.