Sir.-With reference to your article "Whipping up a storm" in The Friday Gazette on July 16.

I live in Sherfield-on-Loddon, and my house is near the boundary of Bramley Camp. Chinooks and other types of helicopter are, unfortunately, a part of our daily life, as they regularly fly over here in order to land in the camp.

In fact, from my house, I can see them hover prior to landing.

Hardly a day goes by without the roar overhead, or the noise of fun fire when an exercise is taking place.

Two-and-a-half years ago my husband, who was terminally ill, came home from the hospice, but, instead of peace and quiet, we had Chinooks flying low over our house at night.

We endeavoured to get in touch with the MoD and RAF Odiham, with the help of our parish council chairman, and received a very defensive, non-committal reply, implying they were only allowed to fly over places with a low density of housing. I live on the very edge of the village!

I appreciate that training needs to take place, but does it have to be over houses?

-Kathleen Gaiger, Sherfield-on-Loddon.