WHERE are they now?

A lady from the Romsey area has been in touch with me to try to trace an old friend from many years ago.

She travelled up from Romsey especially to try to trace Madeline Smith, who she went to school with in Winchester.

Madeline was one of four girls who lived at a house number 49 in a road in the village. This was some 40-odd years ago. She had an older sister named Maureen, and two younger sisters who were twins.

If you know of a Madeline Smith, could you contact me and I will pass any information on to Greta, who really is desperate to trace her old friend?

NEIGHBOURHOOD Watch: It is nice to see our village bobby Ray Niblock back in the village, patrolling on his space-age cycle and mixing with the community.

On Saturday, July 24, within the space of an hour, he was seen in many places in the village, talking to residents.

Ray has asked me to mention the Neighbourhood Watch scheme within the village. He and the residents have a great thing going with all sorts of intelligence, which really helps him with his duties.

There are about 800 houses covered by the scheme, but there is a great shortfall of people who are not benefiting from the vigilance of their neighbours.

It is not just for monitoring criminal activities, but can be a method of getting together with your neighbours for social activities.

If you are interested in setting up a scheme, call me and I will pass your details to Ray and Ann Reid, the village scheme co-ordinators.

FOUND on the riverside track at Bartons Mill: A gold ring, possibly a man's. Contact me for more details.