TAI CHI: There will be a course starting in September in the Village Club on Mondays from 10.45am to 12.15pm.

A few spare places are available and the closing date for bookings is August 31. Call Josie Norton on 298059.

PHOTOGRAPHY: "Getting the most from your camera - digital or film".

This is a new course, to be run by two members of the photo club and will feature both the use of a dark room and a computer to print your photos.

You will be helped to take better shots before processing.

It will run from 7pm to 9pm on Wednesday evenings, starting on September 8. Last date to book with Josie Norton is August 31.

VIDEO: Would you like to make the most effective use of your home video camera by learning how to plan shoots and to take the best shots?

Len Webb, who has made several videos about Kingsclere, including last year's account of the Tidgrove Warren exploration, is willing to run a short series of evening courses.

Contact me for more information.

TRAFFIC: The recent walkabout identified a number of areas for improvement and will be followed up by a further event, which will focus on traffic management issues such as speed limits.

We were intrigued to discover that the Bear Hill street sign, which had been reported to the borough as being hidden by vegetation, has been removed "because it was hidden by vegetation".