FUN lunch success: The recent Summer Fun Lunch was blessed with beautiful weather and a great crowd.

With some money still to be collected, the profit stands at around £350. All the money raised will go to facilities and activities at the community centre.

BLOOD doners: A reminder for all those who wish to donate, that the blood service returns to Hatch Warren on Monday, August 9, when it will be at the community centre.

HATCH Warren WI: The ladies are having their August break, so there is no meeting this week.

They return in September when a speaker will talk about homeopathy.

SENIORS Meeting: The next meeting at the community centre for Hatch Warren's senior residents will take place on September 16, from 1pm until 2.30pm.

The meetings are being run on a trial basis to see how much interest there is in Hatch Warren.

Future meetings may include a visit from a fitness expert with exercises suited to older people.

For more details, please contact the community office on Basingstoke 811262.

BEER Festival: The 12th annual Hatch Warren Beer Festival is only a short time away and tickets are available now.

The festival runs from September 10 to 12. Friday and Saturday evenings are for adults only but the Sunday session is a family funday.

As usual, there will be a large array of different beers, ciders and wines to choose from, and there will also be live music, refreshments and entertainment.

For further details and advance bookings, contact the community office on 811262.

RUNNING for PBC: My brother, Vince Butcher, from Hatch Warren, has taken up running following the death of our mother last year.

She suffered from Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, an auto-immune disease with no known cause or cure.

It has nothing to do with drugs or alcohol, but is the main reason for the majority of liver transplants in this country.

In October, Vince is undertaking the Great South Run to raise money for the PBC Foundation, which funds research and support for those suffering from the disease.

If you would like to sponsor him, please contact me.