TICKING off: A leaving performance for Mrs Bennett was staged on July 15, as a tribute to this much-admired teacher at Manor Field Junior School.

Mrs Bennett is retiring from teaching after 30 years at the school.

The staff and pupils were entertained by music and drama, based on stories told by Mrs Bennett, when reminiscing about days gone by. For example, the music group sang Run Rabbit Run and danced the Charleston.

Mrs Bennett attended Portsmouth Grammar School as well as the art college in Portsmouth, and, when a teacher herself, inspired young people to appreciate and teach art.

She collected rocks to encourage artistic expression, and had a good understanding of what is meant by art.

"Farewell to Anne Bennett" was the title of a special assembly at the end of term on July 21.

Mrs Bennett was warmly applauded as she took her seat on a gold cushion in a golden chair for the big occasion.

Mrs Cushing had many awards to present to talented and hard-working pupils. Some were gifted in the art of writing, others in painting or drama.

There were also certificates for sport, poetry, dancing and being kind and helpful to others.

Mrs Cushing and I both commend the school promotion team for reports written about school events.

Thanks are also deserved by the school council, and by Zoe and Raymond for support given to children and staff.

Mrs Cushing introduced Tiara, whose singing of jazz won cheers and a special prize.

Mrs Bennett received some lovely leaving presents from the school.

She is to donate books to the school library when it is back in service, along with many interesting games.