THIS is the face of a frail great-grandmother who was beaten by a thug in a Hampshire pub.

Pensioner Elsie Yates, 84, was enjoying a quiet drink in The Kingsland Tavern in St Mary's in Southampton when she was punched by a man following a disagreement with his girlfriend.

The brutal attack took place as Mrs Yates was enjoying her regular afternoon drink with friends at the pub.

She was so shocked by the assault she did not tell her daughter, Mary LeCarpentier, 39, what had happened for several days.

Mrs Yates, from Sholing, was stunned by the savage attack that left her with a suspected fractured nose and severe bruising to her face and arms.

She told the Daily Echo she did not recall exactly what had happened during the incident. She remembered getting into a taxi after receiving the blow and being driven home.

Now, the pensioner, who is deaf and walks with the aid of a stick, says she is afraid to go out on her own.

She said: "I can't even remember him giving me this crack. My mind went clear. Even the taxi driver said 'My God, what has happened to you?'"

Mrs Yates remained inside her Sholing home for two days. She did not even telephone her daughter to tell her what had happened.

When Ms LeCarpentier, of Botley Road, Sholing, went to visit her mother last Wednesday she was "shocked and stunned" when she saw her face.

Ms LeCarpentier said: "She said she had been beaten. I was shocked by what I saw. It was sickening because she is very frail."

Ms LeCarpentier took her mother to visit police who have launched an investigation into the incident.

She said: "When the surgeon saw what had happened, he was close to tears."

The landlord of The Kingsland Tavern, Peter Chungh, 53, said everyone was taken aback by the incident.

He added: "I have known Elsie since I was a boy. I was not here but my father was. He said it happened so quickly. People called a doctor. They asked her if she wanted an ambulance or police but she said she just wanted a taxi so she could get home."

Hampshire police said they were investigating the assault which happened on Monday, July 26, and would appeal for anyone who saw the incident to come forward.

A spokesman said: "We were given a description of a black man aged between 40 and 50 and about 5ft 10in to 6ft, so we would ask anyone who was in the vicinity of the pub or who recognises this description to come forward.

"This was a nasty attack on an elderly woman so we would urge those who have information to speak to the police."

If you can help, contact Shirley CID on 0845 045 4545 or give information annonymously to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.