DOWNPOUR! Even a downpour on June 27 couldn't dampen the spirits at Pond Cottage.

Daphne Robertson-Macleod said: "I made more than £600, and it was really great."

She added: "The weather was good for most of the afternoon and I'd like to thank everyone who came and helped, especially George and Gill Armstrong."

Proceeds go to St Michael's Hospice.

WHITE Gables in Breach Lane was open on Sunday, as part of the National Gardens Scheme for charity.

If you couldn't make it on Sunday, contact 01256 882269 as an alternative viewing may be possible.

SONGS of praise on the green went very well, with a wide turnout.

Between 80 and 100 people were there and enjoyed the service led by the Rev Politt, who said it was nice to see Isabel Jones well again, and at the service.

There was music from the Tadley Concert Band, readings from Steve Hemmings and Ilene Isles and the Sunday Club acted out a parable.

CAR boot: Tables are still available for the indoor sale on Saturday, July 10.

Set-up is from 8am, with the sale from 9am to 11am.

Call Jacqui on 883664.