A FAIR OAK pre-school that was praised to the hilt in an Ofsted report is struggling to find tots to fill its places.

Inspectors heaped praise on Littleoaks Pre-School on a recent visit, impressed with how activities and resources as well as a high standard of care positively affected the children's well-being.

But despite the glowing report Littleoaks is finding itself short of acorns.

With just ten places booked for next year when there is the capacity for 26, supervisor and owner Maureen Whale is saddened by the lack of interest.

The shortfall is an especially bitter pill to swallow after she came to the rescue back in 2002 taking over the running of the nursery and whipping things back into shape.

But Maureen believes that not enough people know that they are there: "We have had lots of problems filling spaces but I feel a bit sad that we can't seem to get our message across.

"Littleoaks is a great pre-school and we have that on paper now. The staff are fantastic and we all work extremely hard to give the children a high level of care."

She added: "Everyone says the children come out of school so happy because they have had a good time. We want to encourage more parents to bring their children here to make use of the available spaces."

The nursery, situated just off Mortimers Lane within St Thomas's Church, boasts trained staff and a fully trained special educational needs co-ordinator.

Ofsted inspector Sheila Dennis praised the nursery's use of stimulating toys which give the children a balanced range of activities and that staff gave "positive reinforcement to the children about what is expected of them which helps them to value and respect one another".

But despite the shortage of tots, Maureen said she would never think of closing down no matter how low the numbers got.

She said: "Even if I had to stay open just for one child I would. I would have to cut staff hours and do it on my own. I will never give up with the children."

If you would like to find out more about Littleoaks Pre-School, contact Maureen on 023 8060 0390.