HELLO: After Judy's introduction last week, hopefully most regular readers will already know that I have taken over her regular slot in Village News.

Firstly, a massive thank you to Judy, who has kept us up to date with village news for many years and has done a fantastic job.

Now it's my turn, and I hope that my news will be as interesting and informative as Judy's has been.

VILLAGE show: A reminder that entry forms are still available for the village show, which takes place on July 31.

This year features a small pets show, so pop into Redwoods for an entry form and schedule.

THANKS: On a personal note, many thanks to all of you who sponsored both myself and Paul Casey, of Oakley Lane, in the London Marathon in April.

Between us we raised more than £3,000 for Macmillan Cancer Relief and the Treloar Trust.

CONTACT: Please contact me on 780897 with any future news items or via e-mail at traceybowsh@aol.com