DAVID Pollard: The sad news of the recent death of Dr David Pollard, after a brave fight against his illness affects us all.

David gave so much to Kingsclere. The building and running of our health centre is one thing but he played many other roles in village life especially as a leader of the Players.

He was also a prominent member of the team that achieved the building of the Fieldgate Centre, for which we all must be grateful.

I am sure all our thoughts are with Sarah his wife and all his family.

A service of thanksgiving for his life will be held at St Mary's Church, at 2pm, on Tuesday.

TRAFFIC issues: The parish council will shortly be having its walkabout with the highways staff. If there are any matters you feel should be looked at, call the parish clerk on 298634.

PHOTO Club: If you have ever wondered what a pin-hole camera looks like, then visit the club on Wednesday, at 7.45pm, in the Village Club, with a biscuit tin or similar. You can then take your very own photo.