PARISH council: At the annual meeting on June 21, declarations of acceptance of office were made by Cllrs John Ferguson, Hugh Tottenham, Richard Wood, Annabel Sexton and Gordon Jackson, with Judy Foyle to accept on her return.

Cllr Ferguson was elected chairman, and Cllr Tottenham vice-chairman.

The chairman explained that there were representatives and special duties to be allocated, but as there were so few councillors present this was deferred.

He also reported that the youth project was hoping to open on Friday, July 30, from 7.30pm to 9pm, at Clift Meadow.

THE Vyne Butterfly Walk: On July 25 there will be a walk exploring the woodland and wild garden looking for butterflies. For more details, call 883858.

Also, don't forget the music evenings on July 16 and 17.

LUNCH Club: Meet on Wednesday, at 11.30am, in the village hall. For more details, call 881133 or 882161.