Al Murray - The Pub Landlord, theatre Royal Winchester

DESPITE his recent flirtation with celebrity in Hell's Kitchen, the Pub Landlord is as reassuringly bigoted and ignorant as ever.

The only trouble is, some members of his theatre audience don't seem to have got the joke.

Every time the jovially-prejudiced Al delivered a broadside against the Americans, the French or Portsmouth, a handful of idiots whooped their agreement, without a trace of irony. It's the Alf Garnett effect.

Like Warren Mitchell's creation, Murray's act, although more exaggerated, is so consistent and rounded that less bright people can take it for real.

That aside, this was a brilliant show, Murray showing off his improvisational dexterity by shaping his material around a handful of audience members, (including one teenage boy called on to repeatedly sing the national anthem.

In the second half, Murray used an inflatable globe to demonstrate why Great Britain is still better than anywhere else, including Ireland ("25 years ago, Westlife would have been digging the M3") and Afghanistan ("The Taliban's attitude to women was disgraceful. If they've washed the dishes, there's no need to make them wear a mask"). If not exactly subtle, this is satire at its most accessible.