NOT even the dark clouds could overshadow the high spirits of Romsey residents this weekend as they flocked to the annual Romsey Mayor's Picnic.

The memorial park was the setting for the fundraising event organised by the Romsey Test Rotary Club.

Festivities started with a procession to the park, led by Romsey mayor Councillor Dorothy Braverstock and the carnival queen.

Crowds were entertained by a number of school choirs and orchestras but the highlight of the day was watching Councillor Braverstock get gunged. The money raised from the day goes to a number of charities including the Anthony Nolan Trust, the bone marrow charity that has been supporting the Hartley family who are also from Romsey.

All four of the Hartley boys have been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening condition that can only be cured by finding a matching bone marrow donor.