LACK of muscle power threatened to floor Hamble Week's traditional tug of war tournament.

The strong men from the village's Victory Inn had been ready to pit their strength against any rivals.

Opposition was very thin on the ground until volunteers stepped forward to save the day and allow the tug of war battle to commence on the shore.

Hamble Week spokesperson Kate Cullen said: "We issued an SOS for eight men and true and they came forward from the crowd."

Although they put up a good show, they were beaten by The Victory Inn's power force.

Kate said there had been a fantastic response to Hamble Week and villagers turned out in force to support the action packed weekend events.

The French Market and craft stalls did a roaring trade and youngsters were able to enjoy some fun in the water with the Pirates of the Caribbean.

The village's young anglers were offered the bait of big prizes for netting the most crabs.

Hamble Week revellers boogied on the beach and there was a funfair on the village green.

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