JUMBLE sales: There are no further jumble sales in the village hall until Saturday, September 4.

KARATE and kick-boxing: The CMA Sport Karate and Kick-boxing Club is starting training sessions on Fridays, from 6.30pm to 7.30pm, in East Oakley Village Hall.

You can improve your level of fitness, learn self-defence and increase your self-confidence.

All ages are welcome from four years and over, and each class costs £2.50. T-shirts and tracksuit bottoms are recommended (training takes place bare-foot), and mats and other equipment will be provided.

For further details, call Peter Cannings on 07966 489110.

WEBSITE up and running: The parish council website is now live, so you can find out about village events, local services, village halls and everything else that goes on in Oakley. Simply log on to www.oakleydeane-pc.gov.uk

NEWSLETTER: The spring edition has now been distributed around the village, and the next issue should be out in late June or early July.

The parish council would welcome contributions for both the website and the newsletter.

WANTED: A volunteer for this column! I will be "retiring" from the Village News this month, my last contribution being in next Friday's Gazette.

A small fee is paid for writing about 250 words per week, which needs to reach The Gazette on or before Monday for publication in that week's paper.

If anyone is interested in taking over, call me for more details.