SITE office: A new office has now been set up within the car parking area of the Oakridge Centre.

The centre manager, Mr David Cobb, can be contacted on 01256 462302.

ACCESS: I am now informed that action is being taken to ensure that there is suitable wheelchair and disabled access to the new Lloyds Pharmacy. I will keep you posted.

CONGRATULATIONS: To Cllr Laura James, who was re-elected as a Norden councillor at last week's local elections.

SOUTH View Junior School: The school, along with Virgin Cosmetics, is holding a ladies' pampering evening on July 1, from 7pm to 10pm.

Tickets cost £3 and include a glass of wine and nibbles.

You can browse the stalls, watch treatments being carried out and also book your own.

PROFILES: I intend to do short profiles of people in the area who have a story to tell. This week it is about Mike Bowler, who lives in Martin Close.

Mike lost his son, aged nearly three, in June 2002 to cancer. After this, he set up the Daniel Bowler Memorial Trust Fund to help other children with similar illnesses.

Now disabled, he is a member of the Oakridge resident's forum for Sentinel Housing and the Oakridge Residents Association, vice-chairman of the Oakridge Hall For All and a parent-governor of South View Junior School.

Mike always likes to hear from people who can help when needed. He can be contacted on 01256 841706.