SPONSORED sports day: This is being held by Brighton Hill Childminders on Tuesday, at the Scout Hut, Schubert Road, Brighton Hill.

Mary Hodgson and the childminders group wish to raise money for Sarah's Appeal.

Sarah suffers from a severe form of epilepsy and Tuesday will be a special day to help children like her.

Sarah's family is conducting an appeal, to support a trial being undertaken at Great Ormond Street Hospital. The appeal is to enable a research study to be completed.

It is hoped that a case can be made for a special diet for children to be recommended on the NHS.

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate, calorie-controlled diet, used to reduce seizures in children. It must be used under medical guidance and with medical advice.

The ketogenic diet has been considered for some years, but this is the first controlled study of the it.

If funding runs low, this will limit the number of new children that can be admitted to the study.

Preliminary studies have shown that some children benefit from the diet, and Sarah's parents wish to raise £25,000, for the study to continue.

Please contact Mary Hodgson on 328976, for information about the sports event.

THE Dynamos: This is the name of the musical partnership formed by Jim and Ron. They harmonise on the accordion and guitar, offering music for all occasions.

For details and bookings, telephone Jim Floyd on 01256 320524.

SUMMER Time Music Hall: Supporting Age Concern, this should be fun on Saturday, June 26, at the Haymarket Theatre, Basingstoke.

The matinee begins at 3pm, and the evening performance at 7.30pm.

Tickets are £10, £8 for concessions.