Winchester families are getting ready to welcome 11 Russian children who all suffer from ill-health as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.

The youngsters, from Belarus, will spend a month in the city enjoying the clean air and wholesome food.

Local charity the Winchester Chernobyl Children Link has raised £4,000 to pay for their flights and visas.

Generous donations have also been received, including a plentiful supply of toiletries from Boots the Chemist for the children who will arrive with nothing.

A host of trips to local attractions has been organised and the children will have lots of opportunities to spend quality time with their volunteer families.

The chairman of the Winchester Link, Tricia Isaac, said: "You can see how much healthier the children get every day they are here. They are so special and their plight touches the hearts of everyone who meets them."

The youngsters' lives have been blighted by the nuclear power station explosion in 1986.

Radioactive fallout from the accident killed and injured thousands of people and the area has been beset with health problems ever since.

For more information, contact Tricia Isaac on 01962 866746.