A HAMPSHIRE company has launched on the Internet selling adventure equipment - for dogs.

The Lymington-based dog-loving dotcom, called Canine Spirit, sells everything the courageous canine could need.

Products on offer to fearless furry friends include doggy back-packs, scrambling harnesses and buoyant float coats.

The site, www.canine-spirit.com, which was put together by south coast Internet developers redweb, specialises in doggy boots.

The paw-wear is said to be a firm favourite with search and rescue teams, as well as trail-running and boating canines.

The company has the contract to supply the UK Fire and Rescue team dogs with boots.

"It has been crazy and we have had really good reports back," said Canine Spirit founder and managing director Carolyn Cresswell.

"I have got two Labradors and I wanted to take them on a cross Britain hike and they wanted to take part in the action and that's how it started.

"The whole idea is if you're getting out there and getting active, why not take your canine companion.

"This is similar quality to human gear. It's not trivial gear - it's designed to be practical and durable. We have everything you need to ensure you have a safe adventure."