THERE is just one week to go before the Alberto-Culver Run-4-Fun takes place at Down Grange.

The Basingstoke Extra - which, as part of Gazette Newspapers, is supporting the event - today prints another registration form, so that all you dads, lads and granddads yet to enter the important event in Basingstoke, can sign up and help raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Kate MacDougall, Cancer Research UK events fundraiser, said: "Entries for the third Alberto-Culver Run-4-Fun are flooding into the Cancer Research UK Andover office.

"With boys and men of all ages taking part in this event we hope to have 1,000 people taking part and to raise in the region of £40,000.

"It's not too late to register, so do it as soon as possible. Come along to join us for a fun evening at Down Grange and help us to raise vital funds for research into cancers that affect men."

The 5km run is taking place next Wednesday, May 5, at 7.30pm.

Leading the way will be 12-year-old Sam Sleap, who is running because his grandad in Yorkshire is fighting prostate cancer.

Sporty Sam will be wearing the number one shirt. Explaining his involvement, he said: "I want to run and help raise money for people to get the best help and treatment when they get cancer."

Hundreds of men and boys signed up so far also have their own personal reasons for running and taking part.

Some have been affected by cancer themselves, or have had family members suffer from the disease, while others just want to do their bit to help.

Kate MacDougall said: "Everyone who takes part is making such a difference to the funds we are raising.

"It's very important that we raise as much money as possible, because one in three men will develop cancer in their lifetime and more than 131,000 men are diagnosed with the disease each year.

"We need to make sure we continue to raise the money for research that ensures cancer patients can be treated successfully."

People can enter on the day, but there's still seven days left to get your entry form in and avoid having to do administration work next Wednesday night.

And if the thought of running the 5km circuit is putting you off - that's no excuse. You can walk or jog the route. Just taking part is what matters.

You can also download an entry form from this website, in the Run 4 Fun section under Features.