A Murder Is Announced - M D G Players, Methodist Church Hall, Chandler's Ford

A PERSONAL advert predicts that a murder will be committed on Friday the 13th, and from then on the plot has all the twists you expect from a Miss Marple mystery.

Never having seen this play before, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of humour it contained - all brought out well by the cast.

The play was set, as the programme noted, in "Agatha Christie time" - a world all of its own that audiences always enjoy.

This was very much an ensemble piece, and director Barbara Bound ensured a good overall standard. Particularly entertaining during the earlier, more laughter-filled, parts of the show were Brenda Discombe (Bunny), Richard Clayton (Patrick), Lecky Gebbett (Mitizi) and Mike Standing (the Inspector). All played their part, but as clues and explanations mounted the pace slowed somewhat. Finally, a word for the 13 set-builders - the results of their efforts were superb (and presumably not all done on a Friday!).