PARISH council: The council met on April 13. The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed, with one alteration.

A document on teen shelters from Thames Valley Police had been circulated.

The councillors had been advised that the anti-social behaviour co-ordinator at the borough council had offered to assist the parish with providing shelter and/or facilities for young people in the village.

It was agreed that the views of young people should also be sought before proposing new equipment or schemes.

Sandy Johnston agreed to provide the Clerk with information previously gathered when a skateboard ramp had been considered, but was then rejected, by the village.

REQUEST: An application had been received from three young people for a skateboard half-pipe to be built in the village.

There was concern that a skate ramp would be used almost exclusively by boys and the question of where the site would be located was also discussed.

It was agreed that reference should be made to the planned review of leisure facilities for the young in the Loddon Valley Link and it could be commented on at the parish meeting in May.

OPEN forum: The format of this session was discussed and the chairman confirmed that this was for the public.

If councillors wished to discuss extra issues they would need to go on the agenda for the next available meeting.

TENNIS courts: Sandy Johnston agreed to contact the contractor to agree a date for treating and repainting the courts.

WHIST drive: The next one is on Friday, April 30, at 7.30pm, in the village hall.

This is a change from the original date.

PERCY's plant sale is fast approaching: On Saturday, May 15, there will be a sale of begonia, lobelia and geraniums, plus many more varieties. The sale is at Broadlands from 10am.

EVERGREENS: Percy tells me that the Evergreens Spring Fair has raised £629.

Thanks to all who supported it and gave so generously.