PLANT sale: Vegetable and bedding plants or cuttings will be gratefully received by our local Lifeboat representative.

Sheila Dance is, again, working hard for this cause, and the annual plant sale will be held on May 15, from 10am to 2.30pm, in St John's Hall, Mortimer. Contact 881540.

Would you please label your plants and use surplus containers as they cannot be returned to you.

SUMMER fair: Would you like to help at this event? If so, please be at Cross House on Wednesday, at 8pm, with good ideas so that arrangements can get going. Contact Pat Jones, organiser, on 881509. The fair will be held on July 17.

DRIVERS: Can you assist with lifts to hospital and surgeries, visiting the sick or elderly, collecting prescriptions or driving to lunch club in the village hall? If so, Bramley Voluntary Care Group would like to hear from you. Please contact Frank on 881133 or Jackie on 8821634.