SPRING is sprung, the grass is riz, I wonder when the village clean-up is?

Tomorrow, at 10.30am, that's when, kicking off in the village hall car park!

Many hands make light work, so it should only take an hour and a bit to tidy up the litter and scraps that have accumulated over the winter months.

So often it's the same hands with the same faces, too, that show up, so please come along and swell the ranks, bring the kids to help and set a good example.

Remember, we've been the Best Kept Village in Hampshire!

ANOTHER fine messe... but only a little one! Small but perfectly formed, the Hook Choral Society, under the capable direction of Nicholas Woods, is proud to present Rossini's immortal Petite Messe Solenelle at St John's Church, Hook, tomorrow, at 7.30pm.

Featuring professional soloists, and brilliantly supported by Rotherwick voices (dare I say?) in the chorus, the performance promises to be an uplifting run-up to the Easter celebration.

Tickets are only £10 each, with concessions available, from Trees Newsagents in Hook and from Helen on 766522.

TOXIC waste... in your garden shed? Hopefully not, for as of this week the new legislation on domestic pesticides makes it illegal to store certain substances on your property (or anywhere else, for that matter!).

Safe disposal sites are available at Hartley Wintney, Farnborough and Basingstoke, so, for further information, please give Hart District Council a call.