BLUES concert: There are still a few tickets for the Daniel Smith Blues Band, at the Village Club, tomorrow, from 7.30pm.

Tickets cost £7.50, including refreshments, and are available from Josie Norton on 298059.

BREAST Cancer walk: This Sunday, at Fremantle Park Farm, from 9am.

For newcomers, you register at the start for £6, £3 for children, and have breakfast followed by a walk, or a walk followed by breakfast, which is served from 9am to 1.30pm.

There is a choice of three walks lasting one, two or three hours. These are marked, and maps are provided.

LIVING paintings: Our own charity is looking for volunteers to help it.

It can take anybody, but is specifically looking for someone with word processing skills for a few hours a week. Call 299771 for more details.

CHRISTMAS: The parish council is seeking views on whether we should do more to mark Christmas in the village.

The proposal is to invest in a set of white lights to decorate the yew tree in the churchyard by the square. The initial outlay is more than £1,000.

The parish council would be pleased to hear your views on 298634.

SPRING Show: The gardening club spring show is at the Village Club on April 11, from 2pm. Call Laura Butler on 01256 781892.

CAKE sale: At the Village Club on April 10, from 10am until sold out. Offers of cakes to Josie Norton.