JUMBLE sale: Jumble may be left at the village hall from 5pm onwards today, only while there is someone there to receive it, in readiness for the sale tomorrow at noon.

ADULT Learner/Tutor Awards: BCOT is asking for submission of nominations for these awards.

Last year was the first time this event was run. Following on its success, the presentations will take place in mid-May at the Apollo Hotel.

Please contact Kevin Biles at BCOT on 354141 if you would like to nominate a tutor or learner who deserves extra recognition.

IRRESPONSIBLE behaviour: Recently, there has been cause for concern over the behaviour of several college-aged youths around Brookvale Hall.

These males have taken to using the area around the hall as a football ground, using the walls and doors of the hall for goal posts.

Despite several polite requests to cease this, they continue to pursue their activity on a regular basis at lunchtimes and around 3pm.

The damage to the village hall property is annoying and costly, but this is not the greatest concern.

Innocent motorists on Churchill Way West are at risk of being involved in a potentially serious accident caused by stray footballs going over the boundary hedge.

Would any resident witnessing this activity please report it to BCOT on 306202, which has said it will act immediately.