How things can change in just a couple of months in the fickle world of pop music!

Just two months ago, Southampton's number one music star Craig David was booted off the play list by influential bosses at Radio One.

Tomorrow, only weeks later, the multi-millionaire singer is due to be welcomed back by the radio station with open arms.

Radio One's top DJ Chris Moyles will be the one leading the station's U-turn over the platinum-selling superstar.

The motor-mouthed DJ is having Southampton-born Craig as a special guest on his breakfast show when it comes to the city tomorrow.

It is a far cry from the beginning of the year when the Daily Echo reported that Britain's biggest radio station refused to play You Don't Miss Your Water (Til the Well Runs Dry) when it was released, meaning that many of the station's 11.8 million weekly listeners didn't even know that it was in the shops.

And this showed in the single's sales - it limped into the chart at number 43.

The usually outspoken DJ has declined to talk to the Daily Echo about this cheeky turnaround. Listeners will have to tune in tomorrow to see if Chris is embarrassed to have Craig on the show and to find out if he apologises.

Craig was a regular guest on Chris Moyles's previous Radio One show in the afternoon and the two even found themselves sitting next to each other on a flight from Los Angeles to England.

A spokeswoman for Radio One said that the decision to have Craig on the show was not related to the decision not to play his last single, adding that he had been invited on because he is from the city.

Radio One DJ Scott Mills, who is also from Southampton, is set to be another guest on the show.

Chris and the rest of the breakfast team are planning a big night out in Southampton. They have been asking for suggestions of where to go for a good night out in the city - you have been warned.