MAKING good friends couldn't be easier with the National Women's Register (NWR) which links lively minded women together.

Andover women meet at each other's homes on a fortnightly basis for discussions, readings and talks along with NWR groups nationwide.

NWR was originally set up during the 1960s by Maureen Nicol. She had left work to have a baby but wanted something to stimulate her.

She wrote a letter to The Guardian asking if women wanted to meet up for discussions.

The register started when Maureen got responses to her letter from all over the country and she put people in touch with each other.

These meetings gave mothers the opportunity to talk about something else other than babies.

Nowadays, with many women working all day it is less easy to make friends within the community. NWR is a great opportunity to get involved.

One Andover member said: "Being a member of the NWR helped me get a job because it sparked conversation in the interview and gave me confidence."

Andover organiser Dilys Tatam said: "I have been a long-standing member since 1974. It's very much a social event and about making friends."

The group talks about a variety of subjects. So far this year members have discussed asylum seekers, women's health and held an Indian evening with a quiz and takeaway.

Dilys added: "We tend to talk about national projects and things that are reported in the national newspapers."

NWR is a chance for women to make friends and have lively discussion wherever they are. If you move to a new area the NWR office will locate your nearest group. To join the Andover NWR group call 0845 4500287 or visit