When the Cat's Away, St Cross Drama Group, St Faith's Hall, St Cross, Winchester

BASED on the sitcom George and Mildred, this little play is surprisingly better known in the United States.

This was comedy of the Carry On variety, full of negligees and naughtiness; the hapless George being dominated by a bevy of powerful women.

Alan Taylor (George) had an acute sense of comic timing and extracted the laughs, and our sympathy, with his gentle shambling character.

Glenda Hayles (Mildred) was a convincing dragon with the hots for any passing male.

The sturdy little box set constructed by John Hopwood was well dressed in Dralon, complementing the period perfectly - a remarkable result in this tiny village hall.

Lighting and effects (Simon Parsonage) were accurate, appropriate and achieved with minimal equipment.

It was neatly directed by Janet Hopwood to reveal the full comedy of this suggestive piece and the packed audience was delighted.

George and Mildred worked well in the 70s but the script did seem dated in the new millennium.