QUALITY of teaching has been the key to success at a Sarisbury school, according to Ofsted inspectors.

Staff and the head teacher of Sarisbury Church of England Junior School were highly praised during the education watchdog inspection for improving standards overall since the previous report.

The inspection team found that pupils were achieving well by the end of Year 6 and that they were keen to learn and well behaved.

Inspectors said they were particularly impressed with the school's provision for pupils with special educational needs.

Head teacher Andrew Stockton said the school should be proud of the report. "Ofsted highlighted our school has a wonderful team spirit in which the school community works and learns together seeking to provide the best possible education for our children.

"I am delighted that the hard work and enthusiasm of our pupils, staff and governors has been recognised in our recent Ofsted inspection.

"Caring for and respecting others is at the heart of our school's ethos and the close partnership with parents ensures that children are happy, well motivated and enjoy life at Sarisbury."


Standards in English and mathematics are high and good teaching has boosted attainment levels.

The head teacher leads the staff and governors well, encouraging them to work together to tackle weaknesses.

The school provides good support and guidance for pupils.

Pupils are encouraged to behave well, get on with each other and work hard.

Special educational needs are particularly well catered for with skilled learning support assistants.

There is a strong partnership between the school and parents.


Although science standards are above average they are not as high as those of English and maths.

There are some inconsistencies that remain in the overall good quality of teaching and learning.


When compared with all other schools the performance of 11-year-olds has improved further in the last year.

They are well above average in English and mathematics with more pupils reaching the higher level 5.

Science levels are above average but not as high as maths and English standards.

Information and communication technology standards are above average as are design and technology levels.

Pupils now achieve much better overall though some years are progressing faster than others due to the varying quality of teaching.


Teaching is good overall and has improved.

Basic literacy and numeracy skills are taught very well across the school.

Teaching is very good in English and good overall in maths with some excellent examples of teaching in this subject in Year 6.

Teaching is good overall in information and communication technology and science.

Teachers match work well to pupils' particular needs in the well-taught lessons across the school.

However in not so well taught classes the pace of learning is slower.