THE parents of a popular Hampshire schoolboy who died in a road accident last summer have organised a petition calling for safety measures in the road where the tragedy happened.

Paul Dunn was 12 when he was in a collision with a car in South Street, Hythe, on July 19.

Now they have launched the petition that calls for traffic calming measures to be introduced.

It says: "There are high traffic volumes including large delivery vehicles. South Street was never designed for this.

"There is a sheltered housing scheme at Lawrence House and many young and elderly residents from the Langdown Estate have to negotiate this road en route to Hythe centre."

More than 200 people have signed already and Mrs Dunn said: "I don't want what happened to Paul to happen to someone else's son."

The petition has won the support of Hampshire County Councillor Brian Dash, representing Dibden and Hythe, who is calling for a thorough survey in order to establish what is needed.

He said: "There is a significant volume of traffic along South Street at present and that is likely to increase; certainly, the amount of very heavy vehicles far exceeds the capacity of the road.

"There are also a number of elderly persons who cross the road and some form of traffic calming can only make things safer for everyone."

Paul's popularity at Applemore College is still very much in evidence, with funds having been raised for a bench and inscribed plaque in the quad garden.

He is also being remembered with a photograph in the science and technology area and principal Frank Callaghan said this week there will also be a memorial trophy in ICT or technology.

"It will be a permanent memorial to Paul in one of the subjects he liked most," said Mr Callaghan.

A 43-year-old man has been charged with causing death by careless driving while under the influence of alcohol.