THE PARENTS of Hampshire Royal Navy flight observer Lieutenant James Williams, yesterday named as one of the first Britons to die in the Iraq conflict, have paid tribute to their son.

In a statement, Vernon and Liz Williams recalled how proud he was to wear his uniform and said: "He died doing the job he loved most."

Lt Williams grew up in Winchester with older sister Caroline before doing a degree in Pharmacology at Liverpool University, where he met his fiance Sarah.

After joining the Royal Navy in 1999, the 28-year-old trained as a Sea King Observer, was awarded his wings last year and joined 849 A Squadron this January.

His immediate deployment to the Gulf on board HMS Ark Royal was his first operational tour of duty.

The Navy statement said: "James was a very popular character in the squadron.

"He and Sarah have many good friends who are providing tremendous support at this difficult time."

The couple had bought a house together in Falmouth, where Sarah intended to practise as a dentist.

"From an early age James had been fascinated by aircraft. He joined the Royal Navy in fulfilment of an ambition to fly and serve his country," the Navy said.

Sailors on board the destroyer HMS Liverpool in the Persian Gulf heard the collision between the two Sea King Mk 7 helicopters and saw an orange fireball above the horizon at about 4.30am local time (1.30am UK time) on Saturday.

A total of six Royal Navy personnel - including Lt Williams - and a US officer were killed.

Following the tragedy HMS Ark Royal's commanding officer Captain Alan Massey said: "They were shipmates and colleagues and comrades of all of us on board. As you can imagine, the loss is being felt. This is a tragic accident."