ROUND-the-clock help will soon be at hand for people in Eastligh being driven barmy by noise.

Eastleigh council is joining forces with neighbouring Southampton City Council to provide an out-of-hours noise service for its residents - seven days a week.

In what is believed to be one of Hampshire's first examples of joint working on noise control, Eastleigh borough residents will be able to use the City Council's call centre to report any noise problems out of normal office hours.

Southampton's out-of-hours team will then contact the resident and advise them of any action that can be taken - which could include legal enforcement.

The new service is expected to start in the spring and the move has been welcomed by Eastleigh executive councillor for the environment Louise Bloom.

She said: "This is a fine example of two neighbouring councils working together to provide an enhanced service for residents. It also provides a good example of best value by making the best use of resources."

Her Southampton City Council counterpart councillor Richard Williams commented: "Local government and best value involves local organisations working closely and sensibly together for the benefit of local people.

"I am really pleased Eastleigh and Southampton have developed a process that gives all local people the benefit of this very fine service.

"Stopping noise nuisance is of importance to both the residents of Southampton and Eastleigh, and what is clear is that we will do a better job working together."

Using Southampton's out-of-hours service will cost Eastleigh £14,000 a year.

Meanwhile, Eastleigh's environmental health team will continue to carry out its existing role dealing with nuisances associated with a wide range of domestic and commercial noise sources during normal office hours.