THE capatin of Greenpeace protest ship Rainbow Warrior today denied his blockade of Marchwood Military Port breached local bylaws.

Argentinean Daniel Rizotti pleaded not guilty at Southampton Magistrates' Court to two charges of obstructing navigation on Southampton Water without permission of the harbour master.

Rizotti, who gave the internationally renowned ship as his home address, was bailed to re-appear on March 12.

He faces a maximum fine of £400 for mounting the blockade, which began on January 27 when the Rainbow Warrior dropped anchor in front of Gulf-bound military supply ship the Magdalene Green.

The blockade was brought to an impromptu halt by a fierce squall that night, but Rainbow Warrior returned on Saturday.

Police eventually cut the anchor chain and forced the ship to dock.

Activists on board the ship said the protest was to stop the "headlong rush" to war with Iraq.

Mr Rizotti was supported by several crewmates in court wearing T-shirts emblazoned with "You Can't Shut Up Greenpeace".

The environmental action group had 14 of its supporters arrested yesterday on suspicion of aggravated trespass after they had got into the port. The arrests were carried out in a joint operation involving the Ministry of Defence police and Hampshire police.