The Jewson Wessex League have expressed their shock and sadness over the death of one of the most well-respected figures in local football.

Tom Lindon, who served for eight years on the JWL committee - six of them as secretary - died at his Winchester home yesterday morning, aged 62.

It was only a matter of weeks ago that Lindon stepped down from his post as secretary as he battled against lung cancer and JWL chairman Nick Spencer admitted: "The speed of this has surprised everyone. We're all shocked and saddened by this loss.

"Our thoughts are with Tom's wife Pam, his son Ian and the rest of his family. I've lost a very good friend and he is a sad loss to our league and football in general."

Born in 1940, Lindon, pictured below, served a carpentry apprenticeship and worked in the building trade before training to be a teacher at King Alfred's College, Winchester.

He began teaching in 1969 and retired from Winton School in Andover in 1994.

Football-wise, he became a referee in 1975 and one the highlights of his career was taking charge of a Southampton Senior Cup final at The Dell. Prior to that he had played for Red Triangle, an offshoot of Winchester YMCA, and also had a spell with Winchester City in the late 50s/early 60s.

Denis Emery, acting JWL secretary, said: "Tom lived and breathed the Wessex League.

"Everyone knew Tom, he never pulled any punches, he would always say what he felt and he had a wicked sense of humour.

"I worked closely with him and regarded Tom as a good friend who was always there to give advice and reassurance."

A minute's silence will be held in memory of Tom Lindon at this Saturday's Jewson Wessex League games.

l Bashley's Barry Blankley has been named Dr Martens Eastern Division manager-of-the-month for January.

A record of four wins and one draw last month saw the Foresters race towards the Eastern summit and they now sit just four points behind leaders Salisbury with a game in hand on their Wiltshire rivals.

Blankley said: "This award's not just for me, it's for the team and the club in general. I've always said whether we win, lose or draw, it affects everyone at the club.

"It's nice to be recognised, but it's only for the month of January. We've still got February, March and April to get through before we really achieve anything."