HOW often have you resolved to lose weight, give up smoking and get fit in January - only to find yourself weakening by the end of the month?

You have good intentions to shift a few pounds, stub out your habit and get back in shape but somehow life just conspires against you and within a few weeks you have fallen back into your old ways.

Well, this time we are here to help you.

Today, the Daily Echo launches its Healthy Hampshire initiative - and as part of that, we want you to sign up to our Let's Commit to Get Fit with the Daily Echo campaign.

Throughout 2003 we will be encouraging readers to get involved by going public with your commitment to get fit.

We want you to let us know what you hope to achieve this year, whether it be losing a stone, giving up smoking, getting back into your size 12 jeans, being able to run a mile or going for a swim once a week.

In return for your commitment we will help you by giving weekly tips and advice - and throughout the year we will be offering major prizes and incentives to encourage your involvement.

Three "guinea pigs" have already signed up to the campaign and next week you can meet Carol Rendall, 57, from Merry Oak; Mark Bath, 37, from Bishopstoke; and Briony Brindle, 29, pictured above, from Botley.

Each has been given membership for the David Lloyd gym in Nursling, near Southampton, Southampton and they will have a personal trainer who will help them achieve their goals. As well as following their progress, Carol, Mark and Briony will test home gym equipment, exercise classes and dietary aids to let you know what works and what doesn't.

Our Healthy Hampshire initiative will look at the wider aspects of health across the county. We will look at how our health and well-being can be affected by where we live, the quality of our housing, what leisure facilities are near our homes and the provision of public transport.

We want to hear from you about how you keep fit.

If you go to a local fitness class that is particularly good, then we want to know all about it.

If you have overcome health problems to get fit and back in shape, we would like to hear from you.

If you have any particularly good hints and tips that have helped you, why not share them with fellow Daily Echo readers?

Over the coming weeks we will looking at every aspect of health and fitness.

For the beginners we will be going back to basics with a cut-out and keep set of exercise tips from fitness expert Nigel Phillips. Meanwhile, our deputy editor Dave King will be chronicling his own progress as he prepares to take part in the London Marathon.