SOUTH Coast freight forwarding company, Mercator Cargo Systems, is one of a few companies in the region to have the access and skills to use the new electronic export system, NES.

The family-run company can now offer advice and assistance to local businesses in understanding and utilising this latest technological innovation.

The UK government's commitment to full electronic services by 2005 has led to the introduction of NES as a streamlining service from UK Customs and Excise. This initiative has left many individuals and firms concerned with importing and exporting products in the dark.

Portsmouth-based Mercator Cargo Systems, also the UK's leading carpet forwarder, has kept a close eye on such technological developments in the industry and took the initiative to contact Customs and Excise to find out more. Myles Daly of the Mercator team, recognising the importance and implications of NES, has attended local forums that put forward the objectives and expectations of how importing and exporting business will be conducted in the future.

The NES system now in place is revolutionising traditional paper methods and enables clearances and declarations to be inputted electronically, dramatically reducing the amount of administration in Customs and Excise and allowing easier control over entries.

Such a new system can be confusing and daunting, which is where the expertise of the Mercator team can eliminate any concerns and difficulties experienced.