FLOOD warning have been issued for parts of north Hampshire following excessive rainfall.

The environment Agency is urging people to be aware of the risk of problems from surface water.

A flood warning is currently in place for the River Loddon and its tributaries from Basingstoke to Swallowfield.

Ray Kemp, from the Environment Agency's southern branch, told The Gazette it appeared that most rivers across Hampshire had now peaked.

However, he added: "We just about got through in terms of the rivers flooding, but we are still very much on a knife-edge.

"We are particularly concerned about ground flooding and will continue to be so for the next few weeks.

"In fact, we won't be out of the woods until early spring."

The Environment Agency believes climate change has led to a deluge of rain, resulting in the wettest November on record.

Consequently, the water table has already built up, less than halfway through the winter. A rain report on Friday recorded more than 25mm - or one inch - of water in the county.

Mr Kemp said: "In Hampshire, it was the wettest November we have had since records began 150 years ago and December is also going to be an exceptionally wet month."

He said the agency had received a number of calls from people concerned about flooding from ground water.

Residents in flood-prone areas where the water table regularly reaches high levels, such as St Mary Bourne and Deane, are urged to monitor the situation and report signs of flooding to the council.

Mr Kemp said: "People must be vigilant. St Mary Bourne is a very vulnerable place, and there have been flooding problems in the past.

"Ground water flooding is very complicated. If it wants to get through, it will."

Mr Kemp also warned people to take care when out walking near water.

He added: "All rivers and streams in the region are flowing extremely fast and the banks are very slippery. One false step could end in tragedy."

The agency is urging motorists to avoid driving along flooded roads or through fords crossing rivers and streams.

For general advice and specific information on flooding, contact the Environment Agency's floodline on 0845 988 1188 or log on to www.environment-agency.gov.uk