COUNCIL workers in Southampton say strikes could begin in February in protest against planned job cuts in the city.

The threat follows news that around 130 jobs are due to be axed by city council finance chiefs in a bid to balance the books.

Around 57 workers are due to be made redundant under the proposals with a further 78 currently vacant posts left unfilled.

Union members are also angered over plans by city bosses to save £2.4m over the next four years by scrapping the city council's essential car user allowance, as reported in yesterday's Daily Echo.

Other council plans include reducing mileage rates for casual and essential car users.

Parking charges for council staff are also due to be raised in a bid to plug a £2.3m hole in the city's finances next year.

Mike Tucker, Unison's branch secretary for Southampton, said a meeting with city bosses had failed to resolve the crisis.

He said: "Since then, the government grant details have been received but from our point of view, the budget proposals are still there.

"We will confirm our industrial action ballot on January 13."

A mass meeting of council staff is due to be held at the city's council chamber on January 13.

If industrial action is agreed, the strikes could go ahead on February 19.