Honk, Eastleigh Borough Youth Theatre, The Point, Eastleigh

TAKE a climbing frame, some space-hoppers, borrow some wheelie bins and let Eastleigh Borough Youth Theatre director, Tim Ford, loose with his wonderful imagination - and you have a cracking show!

Honk is the delightful musical based on the story of The Ugly Duckling and its opening night left everyone - whether aged six or 66 - satisfied. A completely focused cast of young, talented performers beautifully brought out the comedy of this story where being different means being ridiculed.

Many of the audience were reaching for their hankies when Stephanie Dade as loving mother duck Ida sang with emotion about her unsightly offspring, Ugly.

The wonderful performances were too numerous to mention, with delightful cameos from all the livestock. Iain Terry was particularly hilarious as the Biggles-style goose and, later, a flamboyant frog.

Alex Morgan-Jones oozed confidence as the conniving tom-cat while Dan Bennett was wonderful as the philosophical bull-frog.

There really was no weak link in this 34-strong cast.

A terrific team effort backed up by superb and inventive costumes and props.