Maya Whitmarsh, vice-chairman of Winchester Horticultural Society, opened the August meeting in the absence of chairman, Marcella Arnow.

A large get well soon card was available for members to sign. The progress of long-time member, Margaric Budd, was also reported.

The winner of the society's own hanging basket and container competition was Joan Allen, with Myrtle Cunningham a close second.

Question time brought a range of problems, from a lobelia cardinalis with its stem stripped of outer layer possibly caused by lack of moisture, to a hardy fuchsia losing its buds perhaps due to sun scorching.

Advice was also given on the moving, for replanting, of an old yew from a hedge and on when to take honeysuckle cuttings.

Guest speaker, Peter Chivers, gave an illustrated talk on "Easy to grow plants for the greenhouse". He spoke of the need for good ventilation and described the seed planting, propagating and growing requirements of his subjects. Some can be kept outdoors in the summer.

The speaker for September has had to cancel, but the society is fortunate in having Dr Chong Yee Khoo speaking on orchids and giving advice on problems.

Monthly competition results: O. Francis, African Violet 9.5 points, certificate winner; J. Spencer, damson jam, 9 pts; E. Hodgkinson primula obconica, 7 pts.