THE lives of a huge number of people from Tangley, Hatherden and Wildhern have been captured for posterity in a remarkable book, compiled and written by an equally remarkable author.

The history of the parishes, 'Tangley, Hatherden and Wildhern' is captured in over 400 pages. It was launched at a crowded village get-together in Wildhern village hall when the author, Eleo Carson, was applauded and cheered for her efforts.

The book is published by Tangley Parish Council and sponsored by Jamie Cayzer-Colvin in memory of his parents, Michael and Nichola Colvin who died in the fire which destroyed the family home, Tangley House.

For Mr Cayzer-Colvin, the occasion was an emotional one, made more so by a personal gift to the author - beautifully produced book ends portraying Tangley House before the tragedy. He received his own cheer from the crowded hall when he said that he and his family had no intention of leaving Tangley although decisions after the tragedy would be made slowly and with care.

The launch was a chance for neighbours and friends and for former residents of the three parishes to meet and exchange reminiscences. Two remarkable guests were the Merceron sisters - both over 90 - Mrs Susan Kendle who now lives in Ramsbury in Wiltshire and Miss Claud Merceron whose home is in Worthing.

It was their father, Francis Merceron who built the devastated Tangley House after the estate was bought by their grandfather, Henry.

In an introduction to the recent launch event Eleo Carson said she had interviewed nearly 200 people with fascinating memories of life in years gone by. Many people who worked on the local farms before and after the Second World War were poultry farmers, publicans, teachers, sons and daughters of thatchers, carters, road men and bailiffs.

Numerous copies of the book have already been sold and many already sent abroad as Christmas gifts.

The history is available as a hardback priced at £20 and a paperback at £9.99 from Hammicks in Andover, the Post Office at Hurstbourne Tarrant, Mercedes Leonard (01264 735246) and Sue Fawkner (01264 735202).