Films showing in the Hampshire region this week

A.I. (12) **** : The childhood of a Mecha-boy - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village.

AMERICAN PIE 2 (15) **** : Sequel with the same characters and the motto 'It's all about Sticking Together' - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village: The Screen, Winchester.

CATS & DOGS (PG) **** : A doggie secret service plans for world domination - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

CRAZY/BEAUTIFUL (12) **** : Tale of teenage love and decline - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village.

DR DOLITTLE 2 (PG) *** : Starring Eddie Murphy - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

DRIVEN (PG) ** : A Battle to win the Formula One Championships, Starring Sylvester Stallone & Burt Reynolds- Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village

ENIGMA (15) *** : Thriller starring Kate Winslet - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village: The Screen, Winchester.

THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS (15) *** : Loud cars and fast music- Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

JURASSIC PARK 3 (PG) *** : Creature feature film ideal for family entertainment - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

A KNIGHT'S TALE (PG) *** : Medieval jousting movie with a modern spin - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village.

MIKE BASSET: ENGLAND MANAGER (15) *** : Comedy starring Ricky Tomlinson - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village.

MOULIN ROUGE (12 ) **** : Starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor - Odeon Cinema, Southampton: The Screen, Winchester.

ORIGINAL SIN (18) *: Adapted from the novel 'Waltz into Darkness' starring Antonio Banderas & Angelina Jolie - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

PLANET OF THE APES (12) *** : Fourth sequel - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

SCARY MOVIE 2 (18) *** : Sequel with the main body of the film based on , The House on Haunted Hill, The Haunting and Poltergeist - Odeon Cinema, Southampton.

THE SCORE (15) ** : Starring Robert Deniro, Edward Norton and Marlon Brando- Odeon Cinema, Southampton: UGC Cinema, Ocean Village: The Screen, Winchester.

SHREK (U) ****: Hilarious animated film- Odeon Cinema, Southampton.


* Don't bother

** If you've nothing better to do

*** Worth a look

**** Very good