CYCLISTS in Romsey could be in for an easier ride soon, if a whole raft of proposals drawn-up by the town council get the green light.

Councillors put their heads together with representatives from the Romsey and District Society, Test Valley Borough Council and other interested parties to produce a draft report on how access to the town and safety can be improved for cyclists.

Once it is approved possibly at the next full town council meeting on November 20, the report will be passed on to Test Valley Borough Council and Hampshire County Council.

If rubber-stamped by the two councils, the proposals should be put into place, starting in the next financial year.

Romsey Town Councillor Max Buckmaster said: "We were briefed to make recommendations with regard to improving cycling within the town and we hope the local authorities concerned will implement them."

The cycling working party report recommends:

Building a footbridge at Eight Acres across the Tadburn stream and the railway line to improve access for cyclists from the Viney Avenue area.

Upgrading the footpath from the east end of Eight Acres through to Knatchbull Close.

Improving access to Lee Lane.

Using pink asphalt to designate cycle lanes.

About 100 metres before the end of the Broadlands wall, a crossing with a central refuge should be installed for cyclists crossing from the existing path to the Broadlands side, enabling safe progress to Lee Lane.

At the Sun Arch, tunnels wide enough for cyclists and pedestrians could be bored through the embankments on either side of the road.

Putting up a sign at the Sun Arch advising of the safest route into town.

At Botley Road there should be a red strip across the junction and along both sides of Winchester Road.

At the junction of Alma Road, Station Road and Malmesbury Road there should be a pedestrian controlled crossing which cyclists can use.

The existing crossing point at the Southampton Road roundabout is dangerous and should be scrapped, with a crossing point with a central refuge provided opposite the footpath to The Harrage.

A central refuge should be provided on the west side of The Plaza roundabout.

Provision for cyclists should be included in the Winchester Road/Cupernham Lane improvements.

The path from the Southampton Road roundabout by Romsey Rapids should be widened.

Signs should be kept to a minimum and painted on the road surface as much as possible.

More cycle stands should be installed throughout the town.

The report concludes that there is £500,000 to £600,000 available from the Southampton area Transportation Strategy for specific cycle routes through Romsey and onto other areas. Funding would be needed from Hampshire County Council. There is £50,000 available from Test Valley Council's capital allocation for the current year.