A MUM hit out today after her ex-partner was jailed for just 15 months for dangling their screaming baby over the balcony of their Hampshire flat.

Former heroin addict Alexander "Sandy" Farr had downed a potentially-lethal combination of lager and diazepam tablets before holding Conor Ryan over the fourth-floor balcony in Eastleigh.

Winchester Crown Court heard how the 25-year-old had gone "almost insane" during the drama at Grantham Court in April.

As well as dangling his five-month-old son over the balcony, he shouted and swore at neighbours and threatened to kill one man's children.

Yesterday unemployed Farr looked pale and drawn as he was jailed after admitting child cruelty and affray.

Due to time spent on remand, he will be out of prison on licence by Christmas.

Today his ex-partner Carina Langan, 19, of Chandler's Ford, who has vowed never to allow Farr back into her life, said she was amazed at the leniency of the sentence.

"Seeing that a kid was involved, what would the price have been for killing his son?" she told the Daily Echo.

"He may have got 15 months but he could have killed my son. I think that is pretty disgusting."

The court heard how Farr had become angry after his partner refused his sexual advances.

He shouted at children playing outside before going on tothe balcony and brandishing a floor-sweeper as a weapon, screaming at neighbours that he had fleas. During the drama, baby Conor Ryan was held under the armpits and dangled over the side of the balcony 20ft above the ground as onlookers tried to calm things down.

Before being arrested, Farr told one neighbour he would rip the children apart and not rest until they were in a pool of blood.

Recorder Jeremy Wright told him: "It is quite clear that you are and have been violent, not simply in terms of threats but also in terms of action.

"This action was very serious indeed, although I accept that you wouldn't harm your child if you were sober and not under the influence of drugs."

Paul Dugdale, mitigating, said: "The defendant had simply lost it.

"He was ranting, raving and shouting throughout the baby incident on the balcony.

"Now he is appalled by it. His child's safety and his child's life is something he holds incredibly dear. This is one reason why he is so adamant he must keep clear of drugs."