FRIENDS of a psychotic Southampton man who died in bizarre circumstances in a hospital ward after holding police at bay with a bow and arrow for 19 hours today called for "no stone to be left unturned" at the start of an inquest into his death.

Alex Dadd, 41, was taken to a secure unit at the Royal South Hants Hospital following the stand-off with the police in Whitworth Road, Bitterne Manor - but was later found dead with a plastic bag over his head.

Friends and neighbours were deeply distressed at Mr Dadd's death and could not understand how he could have access to the plastic bag when he was under maximum observation on the Mayflower ward.

One friend, who did not wish to be named, who is himself in his eighth year of psychiatric treatment said:

"We must have the truth. Alex's death left too many unanswered questions - the record needs to be put straight and no stone should be left unturned.

"I met Alex at Mind (the mental health support group) meetings. He was a lovely man - very gentle. I was so shocked to hear how he died. It's still sinking in. I wouldn't be surprised if the inquest was a whitewash as I don't have much faith in the British courts.

However, if the truth is being covered up the health authorities will have one hell of a fight on their hands."

Southampton Itchen MP John Denham - a neighbour of the dead man - demanded an inquiry by West Hampshire Hospital Trust into the handling of Mr Dadd's case after the siege in July this year.

He told the Daily Echo: "When I was Health Minister (before the election in June) I asked for an inquiry by West Hampshire Hospital Trust into the handling of his case.

"It is obviously now essential that it is extended to find out how it was possible for someone in secure accommodation to die like this."

Mental health support group Mindalso backed the inquiry calls. A spokesman said: "People should be made to feel safe from harm in hospital and when they come out after treatment."

The inquest opens today and will conclude on Thursday.