LYMINGTON'S Nigel Shoat and teenager Sam Deathe took top honours during the second of the two annual Portland Breakwater competitions.

Shoat won the overall match, while 14-year-old Deathe from Southampton captured the junior section, landing a 3lb 1.50oz bass with his very last cast of the day.

The youngster was delighted with bass which, along with a couple of garfish, gave him a winning weight in the junior section of 4lb 1.75oz.

But he could still not beat his dad, former England international, Steve Deathe, who came sixth overall with a 8lb 11.50oz catch of wrasse and garfish.

Shoat who was the top overall performer used white ragworm to tempt 15 pollack weighing 11lb 3.50oz to clinch victory during a hotly contested fixture.

Runner-up was Tony Bevan with 10lb 11.50oz, followed by Kevin Gale 10lb 10.50oz, Malcolm Stote 10lb 6.50oz, Dave Lane 9lb 8.75oz, Steve Deathe 8lb 11.50oz and Chris Clark 6lb 12oz. Ian Golds had best specimen with 1lb 0.50oz cuckoo wrasse.

A high-shore league fixture held along the Milford Shingle was dominated by very small bait robbing black bream, but two anglers, both representing Lonis B, switched to float tactics to target scad and pollack high up in the water to good effect.

Paul Dibben won the event with seven scad and a pollack weighing 4lb 7oz, followed by James Clark who had six fish for 3lb 3.50oz.

Albert Downer, representing Everton A, came third with a bream of 15.25oz followed by Monika George from Highcliffe B with a 12oz bream. Collin Chappell from Lonis C was fifth with an 11.25oz bream, followed by Alan Driver from Highcliffe B with an 8oz bream.

The semi-finals of the Wessex Division of the National Federation of Sea Anglers Champion of Champion shore competition held at Southsea produced some mixed sport with scad, silver eels, bass, pout, bream and gurnard figuring in the catch.

The A section produced by far the best sport with Andy Parkhill landing 26 cad worth 918 points to book his ticket for the finals to be held at Minehead next month. Also through to the finals are Ian Dancey (Waterlooville), Jack Seviour (Bournemouth) and Kevin Warner (Shirley).

The four anglers from B section to qualify for the final include Travis Webling representing Steamers SAC with 213, Neil Saxby from Boscombe & Southbourne SFC 160, John Brown from Steamers 150 and Justin Roulland from Hampshire Rodbenders with 143 points. The Rovers' midweek evening match held at Southsea produced disappointing action with many of the 32 competitors struggling to find a sizeable fish. Andy Parkhill was the top performer with a brace of scad weighing 1lb 6.50oz.

Rovers' next mini midweek on will be held this Thursday at Browndown with fishing from 8pm to 11.30pm. Call Rovers Tackle for the information on 01329-220354.

Tony Tarrent came out on top for Southampton Sea Angling Club's evening match. He bagged five fish weighing 10lb 13oz, followed by Gary Sharman two fish weighing 6lb 7oz, 3 Andy Gunn, 4 Chris Barnes. The fish consisted of smoothhounds, dogfish, pout and eels. At Warsash for a midweek match, there were seven entries, but only two weighed in: 1 Frank Steel 1 flounder 450g, 1 Ron Lock 1 flounder 200g.